Child and Family Healing, Recovery and Reintegration (CFHRR)

A framework of intervention developed by bidlsiw and enhanced through the years of implementation. This is an innovative approach that caters both to the child in need of special protection (CNSP) and his/her family. The work with the CNSP involves diagnostic assessment, psycho-education sessions for 5 months using SLE geared towards strengthening the child’s personal resources to recover and prevent abuse and exploitation. The second phase of this program runs for a minimum of one year where the CNSP will start to implement his/her life and career plans. 

The parents as well will undergo a minimum of one year “family development work”. Ten (10 )day psycho-education sessions on various topics are given to help parents fulfill their children’s rights. Application from these sessions are being monitored through home visitation conducted by the caseworkers of the foundation.   Children who do not have biological parents are still enrolled under this framework of intervention using the alternative care system.

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