Aiming to showcase the organization’s flagship programs and provide a firsthand experience of the work Bidlisiw does in the community, Bidlisiw Foundation recently held an immersion activity for its partner companies from the private sector.

Representatives from the private sector gathered in Bidlisiw’s office for a briefing on the organization and its programs. The Child and Family Healing, Recovery, and Reintegration (CFHRR) Program and the Enhancing Self and Wage Employment Opportunities (ESWEO) Program were highlighted during the presentation.
Aside from the briefing, the representatives signed the Child Protection Policy of the foundation, emphasizing the organization’s commitment to the protection and well-being of the children it serves.
The immersion began with an observation of the Widening of Options activity under the ESWEO program. The Widening of Options workshop aimed to empower disadvantaged youth, particularly those who are Reintegrated Children in Need of Special Protection (RCNSPs), through skills training for economic inclusion. The private sector representatives were able to join group discussions and activities with the youth participants.

Next was the observation of Bidlisiw’s Adventure Camp activity for its child beneficiaries through Self-Discovery and Actualization Sessions (SDAS). The private sector representatives were able to engage with them in team games and activities.
The immersion activity also included a visit to one of the communities where Bidlisiw-supported beneficiaries reside. Youth who enrolled and completed trainings under the ESWEO program shared their success stories, highlighting how the program helped them find decent jobs or become youth leaders and educators in their communities.

The immersion ended with a debriefing and sharing of experiences and thoughts from the private sector participants. Most expressed their gratitude for the invitation and stated that they would be interested in future partnerships and collaborations, particularly in the ESWEO program. The participants also shared their thoughts and feelings about the experience, emphasizing how the immersion activity enabled them to understand the impact of the foundation’s programs on the communities where they serve.

The immersion activity of Bidlisiw Foundation together with its partner companies from the private sector was a success. It paves the way for stronger partnerships and collaborations in the future, enabling the organization to reach more disadvantaged youth and provide them with the skills and opportunities they need for economic inclusion and empowerment.